Formatted Great Texts
Formatted Great Texts for PDF Download
Over the years, we have collected many short works in the public domain and edited and thematically paired readings for our public seminars. We have typically added line numbers to aid in conversation. Please feel free to download and use these works in your classrooms and seminars. We would love to hear your feedback.
A Kempis - Selections from The Imitation of Christ.pdf
Aquinas - Is Faith Reasonable.pdf
Aquinas - On Conscience.pdf
Aquinas - On Law.pdf
Aquinas - On the Nature of Sin.pdf
Aquinas - Summa Contra Gentiles.pdf
Aristotle - Ethics (selections).pdf
Aristotle - Love and Friendship (selections).pdf
Aristotle - Notes for the Physics by Michael Augros.pdf
Aristotle - On Happiness.pdf
Aristotle - Politics (selections).pdf
Aristotle - Posterior Analytics (Alternate Translation).pdf
Aristotle - Posterior Analytics (selections).pdf
Aristotle - On the Soul (selections).pdf
Augustine - On Happiness.pdf
Aurobindo - Essays on the Gita.pdf
Bacon - The New Organon (book one).pdf
Book of Revelation.pdf
Cather - Neighbor Rosicky.pdf
Chaucer - Canterbury Tales (selections).pdf
Cather - Two Friends.pdf
Cather - Paul's Case.pdf
Collection - The Mystery of Love.pdf
Collection - Does God Make Sense - Dawkins and Aquinas.pdf
Collection - Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Chekov.pdf
Collection - Chekov.pdf
Collection - Economics.pdf
Collection - The Wisdom of Genesis.pdf
Collection - Tolstoy, Chekhov, Dostoyevsky.pdf
Constitution of the United States.pdf
De Beauvoir - Introduction - The Second Sex.pdf
De Koninck - Is the Word "Life" Meaningful.pdf
De Tocqueville - Democracy in America (selections).pdf
Dickinson - selections.pdf
Descartes - A Discourse on Method (edited).pdf
Declaration of Independence.pdf
Dostoyevksy - A Gentle Spirit.pdf
Emerson - Self Reliance.pdf
Emerson - Nature.pdf
Euclid - Elements (Beginning).pdf
Empedocles and Democritus - Pre-Socratics.pdf
Federalist Papers 1 and 2.pdf
Federalist Papers 6 and 9.pdf
Federalist Paper 10.pdf
Federalist Paper 51.pdf
Federalist Paper 52.pdf
Federalist Paper 62.pdf
Federalist Paper 68.pdf
Federalist Paper 69.pdf
Federalist Paper 70.pdf
Federalist Paper 78.pdf
Federalist Paper 85.pdf
Gogol - The Overcoat.pdf
Heidegger - The Reunion Speech.pdf
Holmes - The Path of the Law.pdf
Hoffman - The Search for the Real.pdf
Jonas - Toward a Philosophy of Technology.pdf
Jonas - The Burden and Blessings of Mortality.pdf
Joyce - The Dead.pdf
Kant - On the Supposed Right to Lie.pdf
Kass - On the Soul.pdf
Keirkegaard - Fear and Trembling (beginning).pdf
Kringelbach and Berridge - The Neurobiology of Pleasure and Happiness.pdf
Lincoln - Lyceum Speech.pdf
Locke - The Second Treatise of Government (edited).pdf
Lucretius - One the Nature of Things - Book VI .pdf
Malthus - An Essay on the Principle of Population (Excerpts).pdf
Marx - The Communist Manifesto.pdf
More - Dialogue on Conscience.pdf
More - Utopia.pdf
More - The Fond Tale of Mother Maud.pdf
More - The Trial and Execution of Sir Thomas More.pdf
Newton - Principia (selections).pdf
O'Connor - Everything That Rises Must Converge.pdf
Pascal - The Wager.pdf
Pericles - Funeral Oration.pdf
Pinker - Organs of Computation.pdf
Plato - Apology.pdf
Plato - Crito.pdf
Plato - Euthyphro.pdf
Plato - Symposium.pdf
Plotinus - On Beauty.pdf
Psalms - selections.pdf
Rorty - Education as Socialization and as Individualization.pdf
Rumi - selections.pdf
Schopenhauer - Two Essays.pdf
Seneca - On the Happy Life.pdf
Smith - The Wealth of Nations.pdf
Sophocles - Oedipus Rex.pdf
Strauss - What is Liberal Education.pdf
Strauss - Liberal Education and Responsibility.pdf
The Qur'an - selections.pdf
Thoreau - Walking.pdf
Tolstoy - The Death of Ivan Ilych.pdf
Tolstoy - The Forged Coupon.pdf
Turing - Can Machines Think.pdf