The Laws of Plato - Online Seminar Series
Agora Foundation Online Seminar Series -
The Laws by Plato
“...there is simple ignorance, which is the source of lighter offenses, and double ignorance, which is accompanied by a conceit of wisdom; and he who is under the influence of the latter fancies that he knows all about matters of which he knows nothing.”
The Laws (Greek: ΝÏŒμοι, Nómoi; Latin: De Legibus) is Plato's last and longest dialogue. The conversation depicted in the work's twelve books begins with the question of who is given the credit for establishing a civilization's laws. Its musings on the ethics of government and law have established it as a classic of political philosophy alongside Plato's more widely read Republic. Scholars agree that Plato wrote this dialogue as an older person, having failed in his effort to guide the rule of the tyrant Dionysius I of Syracuse, instead having been thrown in prison. These events are alluded to in the Seventh Letter. The text is noteworthy as Plato's only undisputed dialogue not to feature Socrates. We invite you to join us as we read this often overlooked text, one section at a time, in monthly online events.
Next Event in the series:
Saturday, March 29 - 12:00-2:00PM PDT
March 29 Reading:
The Laws by Plato
Book 9 - Section 16 - Capital Offenses, Section 17 - The Theory of Punishment, Section 18, Homicide Law
(pages 310-349, 853a-874d)
Penguin Classics (June 2005)
ISBN 9780140449846​
David Appleby