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 Online Intensive - Drinking from the Fount: Divine Union in the Carmelite Tradition

Agora Foundation Online Intensive -
Drinking from the Fount: Divine Union in the Carmelite Tradition
Saturday Mornings - March 15 to May 3, 2025
10:00-11:30AM Pacific

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Clare McGrath-Merkle

Sessions will be facilitated by Clare McGrath-Merkle


What does it mean to seek the face of God, to live in His presence in silent meditation and contemplation? Each Carmelite mystic experienced God in their own unique way, lighting the way for contemporary seekers of all traditions in their search for divine union. Like Dante, these explorers attempted to describe their own journeys up Mount Carmel to the peak of divine union.


Carmelite spirituality is one of many in the Christian tradition. Over 800 years ago, hermits gathered to live in solitary cells on Mount Carmel near the prophet Elijah’s spring, meditating day and night on scripture, and establishing a rule of life. Following in their footsteps, subsequent Carmelites have sought to also stand in silence, waiting for God to pass by.


Taking time to read and discuss together their experiences of the divine, we will together enter into their journeys for a while, meditating on their words, perhaps drinking from the same fount that slaked Elijah’s thirst.


Online seminars in this series will take place on Saturday mornings, 10:00-11:30AM Pacific Time. Attendees will be sent the anthology of readings, The Carmelite Tradition by Steven Payne on Amazon, ISBN: ‎ 978-0-8146-1912-4. Sessions will be facilitated by Clare McGrath-Merkle. Groups will be limited to 16 participants and no prior knowledge is required. Teachers will be offered 2 CEU credits for participating. This eight-week series is $425. Community of Lifelong Learner subscribers receive a discount of $50 through a refund. Payment options are available. 


Make one $425 payment.  (subscribers receive a $50 refund)

Make two monthly payments
of $212.50 (subscribers receive a
$50 refund)


Divine Union in the Carmelite Tradition
Saturday Mornings -
March 15 to May 3 - 10:00-11:30AM Pacific


The Carmelite Tradition by Rev. Steven Payne, OCD,
Spirituality in History Series, Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN, 2011 

ISBN: ‎ 978-0-8146-1912-4

Dates and Curriculum - Divine Union in the Carmelite Tradition

Seminar One

Saturday, March 15


Teresa of Avila (1515-1582),
pages 26-41.


Seminar Two

Saturday, March 22


John of the Cross (1542-1591),
pages 42-63


Seminar Three

Saturday, March 29


Mary Magdalen de’ Pazzi (1566-1607),
pages 72-77.


Seminar Four

Saturday, April 5


John of St, Samson (1571-1691),
pages 78-85.

Seminar Five

Saturday, April 12


Lawrence of the Resurrection (1614-1691),
pages 86-96.


No meeting on Saturday, April 19


Seminar Six

Saturday, April 26


Thérèse of Lisieux (1873-1897),
pages 115-126.


Seminar Seven

Saturday, May 3


Elizabeth of the Trinity (1880-1906),
pages 127-134.


Seminar Eight

Saturday, May 10


Jessica Powers (1905-1988),
pages 158-169.

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